Community Scholarships

Community Scholarships are available based on annual contributions.



  1. Complete the application online by deadline.  Submit all required information including two letters of recommendation.
  2. The applicant’s information will be downloaded and submitted to the Office of Admission for verification of grade point average (GPA) and ACT scores, therefore, when you submit, this info should be on file.
  3. The applicant’s information will be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid for verification of completed FAFSA
  4. The Scholarship Committee will review the applicant’s information.
  5. The Scholarship Committee will select a recipient.
  6. Upon selection, the recipient will receive an email offering him/her the scholarship.

NOTE: Please read the criteria carefully BEFORE applying for scholarships.


FALL 2024 Community Scholarships

Mississippi Foundation for Education and Economic Development

Mary Alice Holmes Towner Scholarship

Frank Howard, Sr. Memorial Scholarship


David and Hattie Taylor Math & Science Education Scholarship

The Dave and Betty Cook Scholarship

Coahoma Community College is an equal opportunity institution in accordance with civil rights and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or other factors prohibited by law in any of its educational programs, activities and employment opportunities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Taneshia T. Turner, as Director of Employee Services/Coordinator for 504/ADA, Title IX Compliance Officer, Office #A100, Vivian M. Presley Administration Building, 3240 Friars Point Road, Clarksdale, Mississippi 38614, Phone: (662) 621-4853, Email: