READI is the Readiness for Education At a Distance Indicator, which is a web-based tool that assesses a learner's likelihood for SUCCEEDING in an online or distance learning program. READI indicates the degree to which an
individual student possesses attributes, skills and knowledge that contribute to success
in online learning. READI includes five major assessment components that measure:
reading comprehension, technical competency, individual attributes, preferred learning
styles, and typing speed and accuracy.
READI scores will not be used to prevent someone from taking an online course, nor
will they be used to affect your grades in an online course. READI is a tool designed
to help you to be successful as a distance learner! After completing the READI assessment,
you will have the opportunity to view a report with graphs and scores. This information
is vital to let you know your areas of strengths and weaknesses.
Click on the link below to access the READI assessment page. Once on that page, enter
the username and password information that is below. Click the "Login" button after
you enter the username and password. You will be ready to begin.
username: CCCSUMMER2016 password: tigers
Click here to access the READI Assessment.