As news about coronavirus (COVID-19) evolves, cybercriminals are trying to take advantage
of the fears associated with it by sending phishing emails designed to infect computers,
collect personal information, and steal money. CCC OIT would like to remind our employees
to remain vigilant around recognizing and reporting phishing emails tied to coronavirus.
Here is an example that has been seen:
Below are a few tips to help you avoid potential threats:
- Slow down. Always read emails carefully and do not click on links purporting to be
from the World Health Organization, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
or others claiming to be experts or to have information about the virus.
- Ignore offers for vaccinations, ads claiming to prevent, detect, or cure the coronavirus,
and requests for online donations to crowdfunding sites or charities.
- Beware of emails that entice you to click links to fake alerts that warn you about
breakouts in your local area.
- Remain alert to phishing attempts sent via other channels such as SMS text, iMessage,
WhatsApp, and others. Scammers are even making fake posts on social media to get your
personal information.
- Never provide personal or company information to anyone without verifying that the
request is legitimate.
- Remember to always assess sender details and hover over links to see where they lead.
If you are unsure of the legitimacy of an email, please send it to and OIT will review it. Thank you very much!