This event centered around the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), a pivotal component
of CCC's reaffirmation process. The QEP represents a strategic approach designed to
tackle specific issues that impact student learning and the overall learning environment.
Its mission is to fortify the institution's overarching objectives. Initially introduced
as a requirement for the "reaffirmation of Accreditation" in 2019, the QEP was officially
launched at CCC in 2020.
The initiative takes its inspiration from Coahoma Community College's "ROAD to Success:
Revitalizing Orientation and Advisement Development" campaign, signaling the college's
commitment to improving the academic experience for its students.
This recurring event is a valuable opportunity for students, particularly those new
to college life, to identify and connect with their academic advisors. It is designed
to foster a strong and consistent relationship between students and their advisors,
promoting a smoother educational journey. In addition, students had the chance to
register for the upcoming spring semester in 2023 during the event.
The "Connecting with Your Advisor" event primarily caters to first-time college students.
For many of them, this was their first face-to-face interaction with their advisors.
It offered them a chance to closely examine their degree plans, gain insights into
their potential career paths, and receive guidance on how to navigate their future
This event encouraged students to engage in open communication with their advisors,
enabling them to explore their chosen career paths. If students found that their initial
plans were not aligning with their interests or goals, the flexibility to switch majors
was a welcome option.
The QEP: Meet Your Advisor event received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the
attending students, who left with a sense of accomplishment and clarity about their
academic journey.
Monica Moore Johnson, the QEP Co-Director, eLearning Coordinator, and Canvas Administrator,
emphasized the importance of the event. Many students arrived without a clear vision
of their intended major or career path, but thanks to the Career Assessment component,
they were able to discover their true passions and aspirations.
As part of CCC's QEP Plan, the college offers an orientation class every eight weeks
and a dedicated advising event each semester. These initiatives are all part of CCC's
commitment to providing a supportive and enriching academic experience for its students.
QEP: Meet Your Advisor Event Held This Week
By Jasalyn K. Lucas | Oct 13, 2023
The Academic Department recently organized an informative gathering, "Connecting with
Your Advisor," on Wednesday, October 11, within the welcoming confines of the Zee
A. Barron Student Union at Coahoma Community College (CCC).