The Mississippi Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (MI-BEST) program is
showcased to the community each year with a MI-BEST Week. This year, October 19-24,
2020, has been set aside for its observance at Mississippi community colleges.
The program is designed for individuals without a traditional high school diploma,
those with low-paying jobs, and other non-traditional students, positioning them for
better career opportunities through access to in-demand skills.
The Coahoma Community College MI-BEST program offers incentives for earning High-School
Equivalency and for obtaining a career certification. Coahoma also supports participants
by providing career counseling, tutoring, transportation assistance, book vouchers,
child care, community resources, tuition assistance, and social-emotional support.
When studying in a respective career field, students simultaneously build their academic
"The MI-BEST program teaches students academic, workforce, and college-readiness skills
in a fast-paced, supportive environment, so they can move through a postsecondary
education and into living wage jobs faster," says MI-BEST College and Career Navigator
Chaquina Griffin.
"Students have a team teacher to assist them with their college work and complete
SMART Start, the life skills training course."
The nine pathways that can be taken through the program include Administrative Professional
Technology, Automotive Technology, Brick, Block, and Stone, Carpentry, Collision Repair,
Culinary Arts, Health Care Data, Industrial Maintenance, and Welding.
On Thursday, October 22, 2020, those outside of the campus community who are interested
in traveling the MI-BEST route can tune into a virtual open house to gain more insight
into the program and to hear success stories. The Zoom meeting is scheduled for 11
a.m. Use the Meeting ID number 441-416-6581 and passcode 227967 for entrance.
For more information on the MI-BEST program, contact college and career navigator
Chaquina Griffin at 621-4301.